Many people who are new to online marketing have often asked the question: What is an SEO strategy? The simple answer is that an SEO strategy is the plan of actions you will take to improve the quality of your website in terms of search engine results. This plan is the skeleton of your SEO strategy. You don’t have to make up your mind about what SEO strategy you are going to implement once you have your plan in place.

In reality, most SEOs who are new to internet marketing have not yet found a single piece of information that actually tells them how to create a strategy for their business. Having a clear idea of what SEO strategy you are going to implement is critical to being effective, whether you’re in-house or an outsourcing consultant. A holistic SEO strategy lets you see what additional resources (money, time, tools, content) you will need, give you an objective goal and gives clarity on what to prioritise. This is where a great starting point is with a Google Analytics tool.

Google’s Analytics makes it easy to plan and organise your SEO efforts. The dashboard of your Google Analytics account is incredibly well organised and offers you quick access to a range of useful reports. From the homepage analysis to the inbound links report you can quickly identify problems areas that need to be improved upon, identify trends and gaps that you can fill to make sure you optimise your SEO strategy to the full extent. One of the most useful reports, which comes from Google Analytics, is the link profile checker. This tool lets you identify link partners to help boost your ranking.

The first step to implementing your SEO strategy is to identify and list your most important SEO tasks. Once you’ve identified these tasks, it’s time to devise a plan to execute them. You may have a clear plan in your mind, in the form of a process map or action plan. If not then there are a number of things you can do to get yourself thinking more clearly and move your plan into action.

A major part of any SEO content strategy is to understand your target audience. The best way to do this is to create a comprehensive keyword overview tool. This will allow you to identify potential keywords that are relevant to your product, audience and niche. To use the tool, just highlight relevant keywords in your content and then identify those head terms within the text. For example, if you created a post on ‘blog posts’, head term would be ‘blog’, the second term would be ‘posted’, the third head term would be ‘content’. In the example above, we’ve used a lot of general head terms to identify a large section of prospective readers. Get in touch to Seo agency london, they can solve your SEO mistakes

This type of tool is invaluable for understanding your target audience and creating effective content marketing. After you’ve done your keyword analysis, it’s now time to consider an effective workflow. If you’re an SEO content writer then one of the key factors to consider is the workflow you follow when updating your blog. The most effective SEO content writers implement a system where the updates are prioritized according to the order that they appear in the update.

This prioritization process is typically implemented using a spreadsheet with columns for each content update and corresponding number in the spreadsheet. Ideally you should have a spreadsheet with the priority levels of either updating the highest number of pages or updating the lowest number of pages. However if you find that this doesn’t work for you, then consider using the standard operating procedure which is simply identifying the most critical tasks and completing them before moving on to something else. If you find that tasks are becoming repetitive, then identify whether it’s a case of a missing piece of functionality or if it’s just that you aren’t getting your desired result from the last update, then prioritize it and update accordingly.

Another important SEO strategy is to make sure that your site is indexed by major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and so forth. The easiest way to do this is to submit your site to all the major search engines. One of the easiest ways to submit to the top search engines is by using the WordPress dashboard. You can easily submit your website using the dashboard by navigating to’Settings > General, then click on “Sitemaps”. To ensure that you are submitting your website to the best of these search engines, always make sure that you include at least one keyword in each of the URLs that you are publishing.
